Geriatric Massage
Massage for the elderly, but it's application is certainly different to massage for the younger population and the massage therapist needs to be knowledgable of the physiological changes that occur in the aging body. Massage techniques are different, pressure applied is certainly different and there must be great sensitivity shown to the receivers feedback to ensure the massage is comfortable as well as effective.
A natural trend when we age is to become less active and this reduction in physical activity contributes to the reduction of the quality of life experienced by many of our senior citizens. Many studies have shown that elderly massage therapy can be of significant benefit in managing the effects of aging such as arthritis and a host of other physical ailments.
The NCBTMB (National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork) has promoted the use of elderly massage for years. Although there is a general awareness of massage for elderly citizens, there is a poor understanding of its direct benefits.
Benefits Geriatric Massage?
According to the Touch Research Institute, elderly massage is very useful in the treatment of Alzheimer's patients. It has shown to facilitate relaxation and communication.
It can greatly assist in arthritic pain management.
Massage for elderly citizens helps to increase their range of motion.
Also promotes natural joint lubrication, which is extremely important for arthritis sufferers.
Helps to increase strength and muscle coordination.
Boosts natural energy levels and mental awareness.
Can also greatly improve posture by reducing muscle tension. This has the added benefit of assisting seniors with a higher quality of rest, and helps them to sleep deeper and longer which can have a significant effect on their general health and well being.
Can also have a profound calming effect which in turn helps them to deal with medical interventions they may need to experience in dealing with various conditions.
Pain management in the elderly is predominantly treated through pharmaceutical methods, but thankfully, more people are becoming aware of the benefits of elderly massage therapy.
Reference: http://ezinearticles.com/?Elderly-Massage---Benefits-of-Therapeutic-Massage-For-Elderly-People&id=2621344
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